April showers bring May Flowers and the Termite Swarmers

Eastern Subterranean Termites

Spring is just around the corner, the sun will be shining, flowers begin blooming, insects emerge and are crawling, the termites begin swarming.

What does it mean when termites are swarming?

Unfortunately homeowners often don’t know they have a termite issue until they see swarmers. By the time you have termites swarming there is an established colony somewhere near by that has snuck in quietly and started their destruction. Eastern Subterranean Termites swarm most often in the spring to summer. Swarmers emerge in large plumes to start establishing new colonies. Male and Female swarmers emerge. They will eventually drop their wings and set up shop in a new location where there is moisture and plenty of cellulose to feed on.

So what should you do if Termites are swarming at your home/business? Call a licensed exterminator.

Keep in mind not all insect swarms are actual Termite swarms. Ants will also swarm to form new colonies. Having a licensed exterminator come out and inspect is crucial in resolving and eradicating the issue.

At Hunt Pest Service we take extreme pride in being the best in pest control. We offer free inspections/estimates.